

What is Aeration?

Aeration involves covering your lawn with perforations or small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots (Imagine a tea bag in reverse). This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn.

Aerating alleviates compaction of the soil. Compacted soils have too many solid particles in a certain volume or space. This prevents proper circulation of air, water and nutrients within the soil. Excessive lawn thatch under the grass surface can also starve the roots from these essential elements.

Should You Be Aerating Your Lawn?

 Your lawn is a good candidate for aeration if.

  • Your property is part of a new development. The subsoil on which the turf has been laid may have been compacted by heavy construction machinery and site traffic.
  • Gets heavy use as a recreational area for children and pets. Constant running on the lawn area contributes significantly to soil compaction.
  • It feels spongy and dries out easily. This probably means your lawn has an excessive thatch problem. Your lawn technician will establish this when the initial lawn health check and survey is carried out.

Let us get rid of thatch and make way for a beautiful lawn.

When to Aerate Your Lawn?

The best time for aeration is during the growing season, when the grass can heal and fill in any open areas after soil plugs are removed. But any month is beneficial to the lawn.

After Aerating

It’s important to continue with a lawn care programme, fertiliser, regular mowing and watering. It is also important to ensure that nutrients can reach the soil beneath your grass. Aeration is a vital element to a healthy lawn because it allows air, water and nutrients to penetrate built-up grass or lawn thatch.

Your lawn will thank you for letting it breathe again!

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